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About The Blog

It's time for me to say hello! My name is Alyssa and I have a book addiction. This site is for chronicling my book reviews, musings, writing, and anything else I feel like sharing.

As I bloom from baby book reviewer to, dare I say it. book influencer I thought it was time to create a go-to space to find all my bookish content and projects.

Currently, I co-host a diverse reading book club with some friends. We're called TBR Lowdown and we're slowly building our own little bookish empire. We're just starting to dabble in Twitch and have our own discord server (contact me to join). I also have a personal BookTube channel where I chronicle my reading and writing life. And of course, I can't forget my home-base, Booktagram, where you can get daily bookish content from yours truly.

To follow along in the fun make sure to subscribe and follow all my channels:

Instagram - NerdyNurseReads:

Instagram - TBR Lowdown:


Twitch - NerdyNurseReads:

Twitch - TBR Lowdown:

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